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NUMBER: 2100
PROTO: *ḥVṣ̂(a)n- {} *ḥVĉ̣(a)n-
MEANING: lap, bosom, waist
аккадский: (?) h_uṣannu 'sash' NB [CAD h_ 259], SB on [AHw 361].

    Little doubt this is a semantic shift from the unattested anatomical term (for the semantic shift, cf. *ḥi/aḳʷ- or *ḥayḳʷ-, No. ); another meaning shift from 'bosom, lap' is very likely represented by h_aṣānu 'to shelter, receive in a friendly way' SB on [CAD h_ 129], 'in den Arm nehmen' [AHw 331] (note h_ corresponding to SEM *ḥ)

еврейский (иврит): ḥōṣän 'bosom', also 'fold of garment' [KB 344].

    Attested with pronominal suffixes as ḥoṣn- (<*ḥuṣn-) and ḥiṣn- (< *ḥiṣn-)

иудейский арамейский: ḥēnā 'lap, bosom' [Ja 481]
арабский: ḥiḍn- 'sein, toute la partie du corps comprise entre les bras, les aisselles, les côtes' [BK 1 449].

    Note ḥuḍn- 'environs, alentours' [ibid.]

геэз (древнеэфиопский): ḥǝḍn 'bosom, womb, lap, embrace' [LGz 226]
тигре: ḥǝṣǝn 'lap' [LH 102]
тиграй (тигринья): ḥǝṣni 'seno, grembo' [Bassano 68]
амхарский: č̣ǝn 'thigh, lap' [K 2229], ARG č̣ǝn 'thigh' [LGur 183]
гафат: č̣ǝn 'cuisse' [LGaf 193]
харари: č̣ǝn 'waist' [LHar 51]
восточноэфиопские: SEL WOL ZWY č̣ǝn 'back of body, thigh, hip' [LGur 183]
гураге: MUH č̣ǝnä do. [LGur 183]
NOTES: Note that SYR ḥannā 'sinus; penis; cunnus, vagina' [Brock 242], ḥannūtā 'uterus' [ibid.] and MND hana 'privy parts; lap, loins, embrace' [DM 124] are placed under <*ḥann- (No. ), unlike JUD ḥēnā 'lap, bosom' [Ja 481] interpreted as <*ḥayn- <*ḥaʔn- <*ḥaʕn- <*ḥaṣ̂n-.

    Cf. SOQ ḍánaḥ (ḍanḥ) 'giron' [LS 363], very likely related with metathesis; cf. also zánḥ do. [ibid. 154] (on an occasional shift ḍ > z, see [ibid. 31]. Cf. also źānaʕ 'porter (un enfant) dans les bras' [SSL 1480, apud Johnstone mss.].

    Of interest is Leslau's remark [LGur 183] that S. ETH č̣ǝn(ä) comes the closest to SOQ ḍanaḥ 'hip' with metathesis, which implies S. ETH *č̣ǝnaH; he further compares the latter to EAST and GUR č̣äññä (et al.) 'to bear young, give birth to a child' [ibid. 185].

    [KB 344]: HBR, ARM (SYR, MND), GEZ, TGR, ARB, AKK (h_iṣnu 'protection'); [LGz 226]: GEZ, ETH, HBR, ARM, ARB, AKK, SOQ; [LS 363]: SOQ, ARB, HBR, ARM, GEZ

NUMBER: 2101
PROTO: *ḥi(wa)l-
MEANING: uterus membrane, afterbirth
аккадский: h_illu 'egg membrane' SB [CAD h_ 186], 'Hülle; Eihaut; Schilfhülle, Rohrhülle' [AHw 345].

    Though this term is attested in LL only and its exact meaning is not quite clear, its equation with such terms as ipu 'membrane, afterbirth' [CAD i 173] and ibah_u 'womb, uterine membrane' [CAD i 1] makes the comparison with the ARB word highly plausible (on AKK h_ < *ḥ see Introduction)

арабский: ḥiwalāʔ-, ḥūlāʔ-, ḥīlāʔ- 'seconde membrane qui sort de l'utérus à la parturition et qui est remplie d'eau (chez les chamelles)' [BK 1 519] (the origin of -āʔ- remains obscure)
NOTES: Only AKK and ARB; problematic both phonetically and semantically
NUMBER: 2102
PROTO: *h_ilb-
MEANING: fatty tissue
угаритский: (?) h_lb 'die Haut oder die Gedärme bedeckende Fette' [Aist 112].

    Otherwise translated as 'macizo, promontorio' in [DLU 191]

финикийский: ḥlb 'fat' [T 104].

    Distinguished from ḥlb 'milk' by an unknown vocalic pattern, cf. ʔl ḥlb wʔl ḥlb 'for milk and for fat' (or vice versa) [ibid.]

еврейский (иврит): ḥēläb 'fat (covering the entrails, kidneys and liver, breast, etc.)' [KB 315].

    Compared [ibid.] to ARB ḥilb- 'midgriff' which is likely a misprint for h_ilb-

иудейский арамейский: ḥlb 'fat' [Sok 201]
сирийский арамейский: ḥelbā 'omentum' [Brock 233]
арабский: h_ilb- 'chair qui est entre les côtes; foie, lobe de foie, membrane de foie' [BK 1 609].

    Cf. h_ulb- 'moelle, coeur du palmier' [ibid.]. Note a variant root h_ilm- 'graisse qui enveloppe les intestins (chez les moutons)' [BK 1 626]

NOTES: Cf. HBR PB ḥälbōn 'glaire, white of an egg' [Ja 464], JUD ḥälbōnā 'glaire, white of an egg' [ibid.], MND hilbuna 'glair, the white of the egg' [DM 144] likely representing a meaning shift from 'fat' (less probably related to SEM *ḥalVb- 'milk').

    Another instance of a plausible semantic development from 'fat' (or alternatively from 'milk') see in SEM 'galbanum': HBR ḥälbǝnā [KB 316]; ARM: JUD ḥilbǝnētā, ḥälbǝnētā, ḥälbontā [Ja 464], SYR ḥelbānītā; ARB h_albāniyy- [Belot Fr-Ar 559] (neither in [BK] nor in [Belot], [Lane] and [Fraytag]); on GREEK chalbánē, LAT galbanum 'Galbanharz' as an ARM borrowing see [Frisk 1067], [Walde-Hoffman 578].

    [KB 315]: HBR, PHO, ARB, SYR; [Brock 233]: SYR, HBR, PHO, ARB

NUMBER: 2103
PROTO: *ḫim/nṣ- {} *ḫim/nc̣-
MEANING: fatty tissue around intestins and stomach
аккадский: h_anṣātu 'part of human body, possibly waist', SynList [CAD h_ 81], [AHw 321] (pl. tant.)
арабский: ʔah_maṣ- 'milieu du corps' [BK 1 633]; also 'mince du milieu du corps'.

    Cf. h_mṣ 'être vide (se dit du ventre); désenfler (se dit d'une plaie dont l'enflure se dissipe)' [ibid.] (cf. the latter meaning also in ḥmṣ [ibid. 492])

NOTES: Scarcely attested (in AKK and ARB); phonetically and semantically highly problematic. Vocalism based on AKK only, as the ARB example represents a derived pattern.

    Cf. SOQ mónḥeṣ 'reins, hanche' [LS 264], likely related with metathesis.

    Possibly AFRASIAN, cf. EGYP (Pyr) h_nǯ 'Teil des Vorderschenkels' [EG III 314] (<*h_nc̣ or *h_lc̣).

    Relation to *h_im/nṣ- {} *h_im/nc̣- 'fatty tissue, fat' (No. ) is not to be ruled out, though the meaning shift would be difficult to explain.

    Note SYR ḥaṣṣā 'lumbus' [Brock 250] and MND haṣa 'hip, back, middle' [DM 122], which may be from either *h_an/mṣ-, i.e. belong to this root, or *ḥalṣ- /cf. *ḥVl(a)ṣ- {} *ḥVl(a)c̣- '(part of the) hip, loin', No. /, or *h_arṣ- (cf. *ḥVrṣ- {} ḥVrc̣- 'hip, loin', No. ), or make a separate ARM root *ḥaṣṣ-.

    [LS 264]: SOQ, AKK (h_inṣu, left untranslated, for its meaning see *h_im/nṣ- {} *h_im/nc̣-, No. ), HBR (ḥäläṣ), JUD (ḥarṣā), SYR (ḥaṣṣā), ARB (h_aṣr-) ḥVrṣ-

NUMBER: 2104
PROTO: *h_im/nṣ- {} *h_im/nc̣-
MEANING: fatty tissue, fat
аккадский: h_imṣu, h_inṣu 'fatty tissue around the intestines' OB on [CAD h_ 192], [AHw 346]
иудейский арамейский: himṣā, ḥimṣā 'the fat around the large stomach of ruminants' [Ja 347]
мандейский арамейский: himṣa 'belly, entrails' [DM 146]
NOTES: Highly problematic. Only AKK if, as Kaufman asserts ([Kauf 56]), the ARM forms are Akkadisms (which is difficult either to prove or disprove). There are also SYR ḥannūṣā, ḥǝnayṣā 'porculus' [Brock 244] and UGR h_innīṣu 'piglet' [Huehner 129], which may be related with a metaphoric meaning shift. The latter, however, is the same as ARB h_innauṣ- 'petit de cochon, cochon de lait' [BK 1 640] (cf. also enigmatic h_rnwṣ 'porculus' quoted by Brockelmann apud Fraenkel [Brock 244]) to be regarded as cognate or borrowing of the SYR term if not for the fact that the other, and apparently primary, meaning of this ARB noun is 'petit (se dit de toute chose)', implying that the SYR term should be recognized as Arabism and, anyway, unrelated to the present root.

    Relationship with *h_am/nṣ- {} *h_am/nc̣- 'waist' (No. ) is not to be excluded, though the meaning shift is difficult to explain.

    Cf. what may be related with metathesis in MSA: MHR ṣanh_ 'cooking fat; fat put on fire to melt' [JM 365], HRS ṣōnǝh_ do. [ibid.], JIB ṣonh_ 'fat in an animal; fat put on to melt' [JJ 241].

    Cf. ARB nḥṣ 'avoir le corps très-chargé de graisse' [BK 2 1215] and ṣumāḥ- 'graisse fondue que l'on applique aux gerc̣ures des pieds' (also 'sueur fétide des aiselles') [ibid. 1 1369] (variant roots with h_/ḥ and metathesis?).

    [Holma 62]: AKK (translated as 'Hüfte, Lende'); also HBR, ARM (forms with -l-, -r- and -ṣṣ-)

NUMBER: 2105
PROTO: *h_i(n)ṣVr- {} *h_i(n)c̣Vr-
MEANING: (little) finger
еврейский (иврит): PB *ḥāṣēr in ḥăṣar ha-kkābēd 'lobe of the liver' [Ja 496].

    Placed by Jastrow under ḥāṣēr 'court, yard', i.e. strangely interpreted as "yard of the liver"

иудейский арамейский: ḥaṣrā (ḥiṣrā) in ḥaṣrā (ḥiṣrā) dǝ-ʕal kabdā 'lobe of the liver' [ibid.].

    Lit. 'ḥ. which is on the liver'; ḥṣr kbdh 'lobe of the liver' [Sok 213]

сирийский арамейский: ḥeṣrā 'digitus minimus', in ḥeṣar kabdā 'lobus caudatus jecoris' [Brock 252]
мандейский арамейский: hiṣrā 'little finger' [DM 147]
арабский: h_inṣir-, h_inṣar- 'le petit doigt, le plus petit des cinq' [BK 1 640]
мехри: JADIB h_ɔṣ̌ǝrrɔ́ʔ 'little finger' [SSL 2 242]
джиббали: (EAST) h_ǝṣrér do. (quoted with '?') [JM Eng-Meh 527]
NOTES: One wonders whether there is any connection with SEM *h_ṣr {} *h_c̣r 'to be short'.

    Note the meaning 'lobe of the liver' in HBR PB and ARM (JUD and SYR); for the semantic shift cf. AKK ubānum 'finger' used with the meaning 'processus piramidalis der Leber' (used in particular with ṣeh_erti 'small') and 'etwa Lungenspitze' [AHw 1398-9] (cf. also kappu 'arm, hand; lobe of the lung' [CA D k 185]) and HBR PB ʔäṣbaʕ ha-kkābēd 'the lobe of the liver' [Ja 110], lit. 'finger of the liver'.

    To the MSA examples cf. what may be related as a metathetic variant root: MHR miṣ̌h_ǝrrǝ́wh [SSL 2 242] /note also mṣ̌h_ī́rir (d-ŝrɛyn) 'Achilles' tendon'/ and biṣ̌h_ǝrrǝ́wh 'little finger' with enigmatic b-, HRS mṣ̌лh_ǝrrɔ́ʔ, mṣ̌h_ǝrrɔʔ [SSL 2 242] do., JIB mǝnṣǝh_ɔ́rrɔ́t 'little finger' [JJ 243] (mǝn is unclear; for -ncf. ARB forms with -n-, below). At the same time, comparison of these MSA examples with AKK ṣih_ru 'small, young' OAkk on [CAD ṣ 179] (usually compared to SEM *ṣɣr 'to be small') is not to be ignored.

    [Brock 252]: SYR, AKK (ubānu ṣeh_ertu); [DM 147]: MND, SYR, ARB; [Holma 125]: AKK (ubānu ṣih_irtu), SYR

NUMBER: 2106
NUMBER: 2107
NUMBER: 2108
PROTO: *h_arṭūm-
MEANING: (long) nose, beak, trunk, etc.
еврейский (иврит): PB ḥarṭōm 'nose, beak' [Ja 501]
сирийский арамейский: ḥarṭūmā 'proboscis (elephanti)' [Brock 256]
мандейский арамейский: ḥarṭum(a) 'long bill, nose, snout, trunk' [DM 127]
арабский: h_urṭum-, h_urṭūm- 'nez, bout du nez, tronc de l'élephant, etc.' [BK 1 561]
NOTES: Likely derived from *h_uṭm- (No. ) through insertion of -r-; one wonders whether it may be a result of metathesis of -r suffixed or of contamination with some unidentified root.

    C. SEM only unless AKK h_uṭṭimmu 'snout, muzzle' SB on [CAD h_ 265] is an assimilated form from *h_urṭimmu (otherwise see in *h_uṭm-, No. ).

    Cf. JUD ḥarṭūmā 'the knotted straps of the shoe' [Ja 501], related with a meaning shift?

    [Brock 256]: SYR, ARB, JUD (ḥōṭǝmā), AKK (h_uṭimmu); [DM 126]: MND, HBR PB, SYR, ARB

NUMBER: 2109
PROTO: *h_Vŝ1Vp- {} *h_VŝVp-
MEANING: scabies, itch, boil
иудейский арамейский: ḥaspǝnītā 'scaly skin; scab, eruption' [Ja 489].

    Cf. msḥpʔ 'scaly' [ibid. 805], a participle from a metathetic root

арабский: h_ašifa 'être rongé par la gâle' [BK 1 576]
геэз (древнеэфиопский): h_ǝŝaf 'itch, a boil' [LGz 266]; h_aŝafa (and ḥasafa) 'to be scabby, scurfy, be covered with rash, itch, peel, scratch' [ibid.]
джиббали: h_šfɛ́t, pl. h_šfɛ́ʔ 'pimple' [JJ 307]
NOTES: In ARB, only a verbal root is attested.

    Note that HBR mǝḥuspās 'crackling' (of manna, HapLeg; so in [KB 338]) is translated as 'scaled off, scale-like' in [BDB 341] and compared to this root.

    [LGz 266]: GEZ, ARB

NUMBER: 2110
PROTO: *ḫuṭm-
MEANING: noze, snout, muzzle, beak
аккадский: h_uṭṭimmu 'snout, muzzle' SB on [CAD h_ 265], [AHw 362] (or < *h_urṭimmu, cf. *h_arṭūm-, No. ). Soden also quotes h_ulṭimmu as a variant of h_uṭṭimmu [ibid.], while [CAD h_ 228] reads h_uldimmu instead of h_ulṭimmu treating it as a separate word translated as 'piece of meat' or 'an internal organ'. Cf. also h_uṭṭimmānu 'person with prominent "snout"' (in PN) MB [CAD h_ 265], [AHw 362]
угаритский: h_ṭm 'nariz' [DLU 203]
еврейский (иврит): PB ḥōṭām 'the distinctive feature of the face, nose, nostril' [Ja 431]
иудейский арамейский: ḥuṭmā do. [ibid.]
арабский: h_aṭm- 'bec, museau' [BK 1 596].

    Cf. h_t_m 'avoir le nez aplati' [ibid. 541]

NOTES: Cf. QAT h_ṭm 'top, summit' [Ricks 72] (for the semantic shift cf. MHR dǝḳlayl 'beak (bird); peak (mountain)' [JM 69]; SEM daḳm- 'nose, muzzle', No. , ~ ARB DAT_ daḳm- 'crête de montagne' [GD 826]). Note also JIB h_ɔṭm 'lower part of the mountain area' [JJ 309], with a less evident semantic connection; other MSA forms like MHR h_īṭām 'halter' etc. [JM 453] are most likely Arabisms.

    [Kauf 57]; [Maizel 218]; [DLU 203]: UGR, HBR PB, ARB; [Holma 144]: AKK, HBR PB, ARB (also HBR PB and ARB forms with -r-)

NUMBER: 2111
PROTO: *kab(i)d-
MEANING: liver; stomach, entrails
аккадский: kabattu (poet. kabtatu), later kabittu 'inside (of the body), liver (?); emotions, thought, mind, spirit' OB on [CAD k 11]; [AHw 416].

    In [CAD k 13-14] serious doubts about the meaning 'liver' for kabattu are expressed

угаритский: kbd 'hígado; entraña(s); seno; mente' [DLU 207]; /kabidu ?/ [Huehner 135]; L.Kogan: belly?
еврейский (иврит): kābēd 'liver' [KB 456]
иудейский арамейский: kabdā 'liver' [Ja 607]; kbd do. [Sok 249]
сирийский арамейский: kabdā 'jecur; ira' [Brock 315]
современные арамейские: MMND kab_dā 'liver' [M MND 509] AZR koda 'liver' [Garb 315]
мандейский арамейский: kabda, kabada 'liver, digestive organ' [DM 195, 194]
арабский: kabid-, kabd-, kibd- 'foie; coeur, entrailles' [BK 2 852], kabid- 'cavité du ventre, y compri tous les viscères' [ibid.]
геэз (древнеэфиопский): kabd 'liver, stomach, belly' [LGz 273]
тигре: käbǝd 'belly' [LH 411]
тиграй (тигринья): käbdi 'pancia, ventre, fegato' [Bass 601]
амхарский: hod 'stomach, belly' [K 29]
харари: kūd 'liver' [LHar 90]
восточноэфиопские: SEL käbd, WOL häbd 'liver' [LGur 333]
гураге: MUH MSQ häbǝd, EŽA h_äbǝd, CHA h_äpt do. [ibid.]
мехри: šǝbdīt [JM 392]
джиббали: s̃ubdét [JJ 266]
харсуси: šebdēt [JH 123]
сокотри: šíbdeh [LS 410]; [SSL LS 1474]
NOTES: With various vocalic patterns: *kabid- in AKK, HBR, UGR and ARB, *kabd- in AKK, ARM, ARB and ETH, *kibd- in ARB and, probably, MSA. The meaning 'stomach, entrail' is reconstructed as PSEM, alongside with 'liver', on the evidence of AKK, UGR, MND, ARB and ETH.

    Derivation from *kbd 'to be heavy' is typologically tenable (cf. [Dolg 1994 268], [LGz 273].

    Note what looks like variant roots likely accounted for by evolution of compatibility rules in the root with three stops: AKK g/kabīdu 'liver' SB, AMARNA [CAD g 6], [AHw 272] and ETH AMH gubbät [K 1981], EAST: ZWY gubbūt, GUR: MUH GOG gǝbbʷät, SOD gǝbbot 'liver' [LGur 258].

    [Fron 47] (*kabid-(at-) 'fegato' /GEZ,ARB,SYR,HBR,UGR,AKK/); [Holma 75]: AKK, HBR, ARM, ARB, GEZ; [DLU 207]: UGR, HBR, AKK, SYR, ARB, GEZ; [KB 456]: HBR, UGR, ARM, ARB, GEZ, TGR, SOQ, AKK; [Brock 315]: SYR, ARM, HBR, ARB, GEZ, AKK; [LGz 273]: GEZ, ETH, ARB, SOQ, ARM, HBR, UGR, AKK; [LS 410]: SOQ, MSA, ARB, HBR, ARM, GEZ, AKK

NUMBER: 2112
PROTO: *kVbaw-(at-)
MEANING: (dry cow's) dung
аккадский: kabû (ḳabû, kabūtu) 'excrement, dung (of animals)' SB [CAD k 28], [AHw 418]
иудейский арамейский: *kǝbūyā (in pl. constr. kǝbūyē) 'heap, excrement' [Ja 607]
сирийский арамейский: kǝbūtā 'fimus' [Brock 315]
арабский: kiban, kibat- 'ordures ôtées de la maison et jetées en un tas' [BK 2 857]
современные арабские языки: DAT_ kabū 'bouse sèche' [GD 2554]
геэз (древнеэфиопский): kǝbo 'dry cow's dung' [LGz 272]
тигре: kǝbo(tät), kǝbe 'dry excrements of animals' [LH 409]
тиграй (тигринья): kubo 'sterco bovino seccato' [Bassano 598]
амхарский: kubät, kʷǝbät, kǝbot 'dry cow's dung used as fuel' [K 1421]
гафат: kubät 'excréments secs' [LGaf 208]
восточноэфиопские: WOL kǝbot, SEL kǝbōt, ZWY hubut 'dry dung' [LGur 335]
гураге: GOG kubäta, SOD kǝbota, MSQ xubäta, MUH xubäta, xuwäta, CHA EŽA GYE xǝwäta, ENN xǝwäda, END hǝwäd do. [ibid.]
мехри: kōbǝn 'dry cow-pat, piece of dry cow-dung' [JM 202].

    Note JIB kɔ̄ (below) implying that -ǝn in MHR is suffixal

джиббали: kɔ̄ 'cow-dung' [JJ 138], ekbé '(cow) to excrete' [ibid.]. Johnstone makes a mistake placing this root under kwV; -b- <*-w- is possible in JIB, but in this case MHR and other SEM data suggest *-b
NOTES: This highly specified meaning is implied by a full semantic coincidence in ETH and MSA, while 'excrement' is clearly a secondary development.

    Note a meaning shift in ARB kiban, kibat- 'ordures ôtées de la maison et jetées en un tas' [BK 2 857].

    [Brock 315]: SYR, ARM, ARB, TGR, TNA, AMH, AKK; [LGz 272]: GEZ, ETH, ARB (also DAT_), ARM, AKK

NUMBER: 2113
PROTO: *ki/um-
MEANING: wrist, articulation (of arms and legs)
аккадский: kimkimmu 'wrist' SB [CAD k 373], [AHw 478] (redupl.)
тигре: kǝm, pl. ʔakmam 'joint (of the arm, finger, etc.)' [LH 395]
восточноэфиопские: ZWY kōmä 'heel, elbow' [LGur 343]
гураге: GOG SOD kumma, EZ̆A h_ʷǝmma, MUH h_umma, CHA h_umma, h_uma do. [ibid.]
NOTES: *-u- may be a secondary development due to the influence of *m-. As a nominal anatomic term based on AKK and MOD ETH only.

    Very likely related with a meaning shift is ARB kumm-, pl. ʔakmām-, 'manche (d'une robe, d'une chemise)' [BK 2 927]. There is also GEZ kǝmam, pl. ʔakmām, ʔakmāmāt, 'fine vestment worn by officiating priest, embroidered cuffs, maniple' [LGz 28 ], which is, according to Leslau, from ARB kumm- 'sleeve'; this is quite plausible especially in view of a coincidence of plural forms.

    Note also what may be a derived verb with a possible meaning shift in JIB ktum (-t- infixed ?) 'to sit crosslegged' [JJ 137]

NUMBER: 2114
NUMBER: 2115
PROTO: *kanap-
аккадский: kappu (also 'quill, plumage, frond') OB on [CAD k 185], [AHw 444].

    Formally not distinguished from kappu 'arm, hand' (see *kapp- 'hand', No. )

угаритский: knp [DLU 220] /kanapu ?/ [Huehner 138].

    See also mknpt 'Spannweite der Flügel' [Aist 152]

еврейский (иврит): kānāp [KB 486]
иудейский арамейский: kǝnap (kanpā) (also 'lap') [Ja 651]
сирийский арамейский: kenpā [Brock 334]
современные арамейские: GZR kanáfta 'wing' [Nak 77] AZR kpana 'shoulder' [Garb 315]
мандейский арамейский: kanpa 'wing, side, arm' [DM 199, 77].

    The meaning 'arm' is likely accounted for by contamination with *kapp- 'hand' (No. )

арабский: kanaf- 'aile (d'un oiseau)' [BK 2 936]
геэз (древнеэфиопский): kǝnf 'wing; fin (of fish); branch of tree; border (of garment, land)' [LGz 287]
тигре: kǝnf [LH 418]
тиграй (тигринья): kǝnfi [Bass 608]
амхарский: kǝnf [K 14445]
восточноэфиопские: WOL ZWY kǝf [LGur 345]
гураге: MUH MSQ GOG kanfa, SOD kǝnf [LGur 345]
NOTES: Note ETH ǝ instead of the expected a attested, however, in part of the GUR forms.

    There is also *kan(a)p- 'side', likely related to, or derived from, the present root, though homonymy is not to be excluded: ARM SML OFF knp 'skirt of a garment' [HJ 519], SYR kenpā 'margo' [Brock 334], MND kanpa 'side' [DM 199, 77]; ARB kanaf- 'сôté' [BK 2 936]; ESA: SAB knf 'border, side' [SD 78], QAT knf 'edge, border, side' [Ricks 86]; GEZ kǝnf 'border (of garment, land)', kanfif 'border, limit' [LGz 287]; SOQ kaf 'côté' [LS 222] (less likely from *kapp- 'palm, flap of hand or foot', No. ).

    Cf. *gapp-, *ʔa-gapp- 'wing'.

    [Fron 49] (*kanap- 'ala' /GEZ,ARB,SYR,HBR,UGR,AKK/); [Holma 144]: AKK, HBR, ARB, SYR, GEZ; [DLU 220]: UGR, ARB, SAB, GEZ, HBR, SYR, AKK; [KB 486]: HBR, ARM, UGR, GEZ, TGR, ARB, ESA, AKK; [Brock 334]: SYR, ARM, HBR, ARB, GEZ, AKK; [LGz 287]: GEZ, ETH, HBR, ARM, ARB, UGR, AKK

NUMBER: 2116
PROTO: *ki(n)šād- {} *ki(n)sād-
MEANING: neck, top of shoulder
аккадский: kišādu 'neck, throat; necklace' OA on [CAD k 446], [AHw 490]
мандейский арамейский: kšada 'throat' [DM 224].

    Acc. to [Kauf 64], rather 'a neck ornament'; borrowed from AKK

геэз (древнеэфиопский): kǝsād, kǝŝād, pl. kǝsādāt, ka/ǝsāwǝd 'neck' [LGz 296].

    ŝ must be purely graphic as the comparative data point to s (<*š {} *s)

тиграй (тигринья): kǝsad 'collo' [Bass 598]
амхарский: kǝsad 'collar' [K 1411]
мехри: kǝnsīd, pl. kǝnsōd 'top of shoulder' [JM 212]
джиббали: kǝnséd, pl. kénábsǝd (<*kǝnawsǝd) 'shoulder' [JJ 133]
харсуси: kǝnsīd, pl. kǝnsōd 'shoulder' [JH 69]
NOTES: -n- is attested in MSA only.

    Cf. what may be a related metathetic root based on EBL gi-da-šum 'back of the neck' /kidāšum/ [Kr 37; Bl E 55] and ARB kds 'marcher en agitant les épaules et en portant le haut de la poitrine en avant (se dit d'un hommes ou d'un cheval)' [BK 2 874].

    Cf. TGR sǝgad 'neck' [LH 199] (metathetic, *k > g assimilated to d?). Note that in MSA *kǝnsīd (<*kinsīd), which cannot be an ARB loan, *s corresponding to AKK š < SEM *š {} *s speaks against the common assumption that SEM *š {} *s always yields MSA *š, while MSA *s corresponds to SEM *s {} *c.

    [Holma 37]: AKK, GEZ, TGR, ARB (ḳissawd- 'crasso collo praeditus'); [LGz 296]: GEZ, ETH, MSA, MND, AKK

NUMBER: 2117
PROTO: *kapp-
MEANING: palm, flap of hand or foot
аккадский: kappu 'arm, hand' (also 'wing', see *kanap- 'wing' No. ) OB on [CAD k 185], [AHw 444].

    As for agappu, gappu 'wing' [AHw 281] identified in [CAD k 185] with kappu, but made a separate entry in [AHw 281], see *gapp-, *ʔa-gapp- 'wing', No.

угаритский: kp 'palma (de la mano)' [DLU 221]
ханаанейские: EG SYLL ka=pa /*kappa/ 'palm of the hand, sole of the foot' [Hoch 318]
еврейский (иврит): kap 'the hollow, the flat of the hand' [KB 491], *ʔäkäp in ʔakp-ī 'hand' [ibid. 47] (form with the ʔa- prefix)
арамейские: DRA OFF kp 'hand, palm of hand, sole of foot' [HJ 528]
иудейский арамейский: kap (kappā) 'palm, hand' [Ja 657]; [Sok 266]
сирийский арамейский: kappā 'vola' [Brock 339]
современные арамейские: MAL kaffa 'Handfläche' [Berg 49: "Aram. arab."]
мандейский арамейский: kapa 'hand, palm of hand, handful' [DM 200]
арабский: kaff- 'paume de la main' [BK 2 910]
геэз (древнеэфиопский): (?) kāf 'heel, palm of hand, sole of foot' [LGz 276].

    According to Leslau, probably the transcription of HBR kap 'palm of hand'. Cf. kāf 'shoe, sandal' [ibid.], which Leslau considers either an extension of kāf 'sole of foot' or a form confused with kuf 'hoof' (< ARB h_uff-, according to [ibid. 276]). Neither of these hypotheses is provided with any argumentation

мехри: kaf 'palm of hand' [JM 204]
джиббали: kɛf do. [JJ 127]
харсуси: kǝf do. [JH 67]
NOTES: Cf. *gapp-, *ʔa-gapp- 'wing', No.

    [Fron 48] (*kapp- 'mano incurvata' /MHR,ARB,SYR,HBR,UGR,AKK/); [Holma 117]: AKK, HBR, ARB, SYR; [DLU 221]: UGR, HBR, ARM, AKK, ARB, GEZ; [KB 491]: HBR, ARM, UGR, ARB, GEZ, AKK

NUMBER: 2118
PROTO: *kVr(V)m-
MEANING: joint of limb bones; flexion, bend of limbs
аккадский: kirimmu 'hold, position of the arms of a mother to cradle a small child' MB, SB [CAD k 406] (with a semantic discussion), 'Armbeuge' [AHw 484]
арабский: karmat- 'tête de l'os du fémur qui tourne dans l'os de la hanche' [BK 2 899]
амхарский: kurma 'elbow' [K 1384], kʷǝrǝmma 'elbow which is very pointed when flexed' [ibid. 1385], tä-kʷärämmätä 'to be flexed, folded up, contracted (limbs, fingers)' [ibid.]
харари: kurumbāy 'elbow' [LHar 94].

    Note -mb < *m. Cf. discussion [ibid.] where the underlying form kurun+bāy is postulated with reservations to compare it to AMH kǝrǝn 'elbow', GOG kǝrrä (cf. *kʷirnāʕ-, No. ); at the same time, a possibility of the HAR term "coming close" to SEL kirmāyo is also admitted

восточноэфиопские: SEL kirmāyo do. [LGur 350]
NOTES: Note MSA: MHR ʔākǝrmōt 'pelvis' [JM 18], HRS ʔākermōt do. [JH 7], JIB ʕakǝrũt do. [JJ 10] (-ũ- <*-um-); probably related, though prefixed ʕ- has to be explained
NUMBER: 2119
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